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Всі переклади - beelzebub

Мова оригіналу
Мова, якою перекладати

Результати 1 - 2 з 2
Мова оригіналу
Англійська Unlike the enviable situation of ancient Egypt...
Unlike the enviable situation of ancient Egypt there is as yet no palaeopathology for early Mesopotamia: accordingly,the evidence for conclusions reached derives entirely from many hundreds of cuneiform medical texts-from the
diagnostic and prognostic series abbreviated to TDP after the current edition, from the practical or 'therapeutic' series known as AMT (Assyrian medical texts) and BAM(Babylonisch-assyrische Medizin), and from a number of
shorter texts of individual kinds.
TDP (Traite' akkadien de Diagnostics et Pronostics me'dicaux)

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Турецька Hakkinda sahip olduÄŸumuz antik Mısır ...